





Irina I. Sizova

Information about the author(s)

PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: u_sizova@bk.ru


May 10, 2016


December 25, 2016




Russian literature




DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2016-1-3-4-216-234


УДК 82(091); 82:7; 82-2; 792.03


ББК 83.3(0), 83.3(0)5, 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1, 84–4, 85.334


This article examines the first phase of Leo Tolstoy’s educational service in the field of the popular theatre on the example of the stage history of his comedy The First Distiller (1886). I see my task in the reconstruction of the first stage version of this play prepared by V. G. Chertkov on the author’s request, with the use of archival information and data from the periodicals of 1886. For the first time, the essay argues that Chertkov was working in four different directions. He was negotiating with Moscow Buffonery Theatre, Vasileostrovskiy Workers’ Theater, St. Petersburg scenic platforms, and the Theatre of Popular Entertainment in the village of Alexandrovskoe near St. Petersburg. Chertkov covered the first performance of The First Distiller (Alexandrovskoe, July 6 and 20 1886) that had a big resonance. The essay explains (for the first time in Tolstoy criticism) why other performances of this play had never taken place. Technical and financial difficulties prevented performances in Moscow Buffonery Theater and Vasileostrovskiy Theater. The symbolism of Tolstoy’s comedy (his images of devils and hell) became an impediment for staging the play at other popular theaters that Chertkov reached with the help of the patron of art, I. M. Sibiryakov.


Leo Tolstoy, popular theater, comedy The First Distiller (1886), history of performances, Leo Tolstoy’s educational service, chronicle of popular performances (1886).

Works cited

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