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Essay Requirements
1.The journal will consider and publish essays meeting the journal’s requirements. The size of the essay with references shall not exceed 40000 characters with spaces; for graduate students 20000 characters with spaces including references.
2.The author submits all the materials (the body of the essay, additional fonts, the agreement1 via the email stud-lit@mail.ru
3.The text should be printed in Microsoft Word, format А4, margins 2 cm at all sides, font Times New Roman, font size 14, line spacing 1,5, indentation (new paragraph) 1,25, portrait orientation without hyphens.
4.First page should contain the following information:
• The heading of the section, size14;
• UDK (cf., for example: teacode.com/online/udc or udk-codes.net), size 14;
• BBK (cf., for example, http://roslavl.library67.ru/files/382/bbk.pdf), size 14.
• Surname, name, patronymic of the author/authors printed on the right side in bold font and lowercase letters (for example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovitch), size 14. The academic degree (if applicable), the academic rank (if applicable), job title, full name of the institution, address of the institution with the postal code, city, country, email, size 12.
• Sample:
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovitch
PhD (kandidat philologicheskih nauk), Associate Professor,
Senior Researcher
FGBUN A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Povarskaya 25a 121069 Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ivan@mail.ru
• The title of the essay shall be centered, no indent, in bold, capital letters, size 14
• Below is the abstract (200-250 words; the abstract should be designed as a brief synopsis in compliance with the sequence of presentation) and key words in Russian, size 12.
• The same information in English is placed below:
• In English, name, surname, patronymic of the authors are printed on the right side, in italics, in bold, and in lowercase letters, font size 14. Below is the academic degree (if applicable), the academic rank (if applicable), job title, full name of the institution, address of the institution with the postal code, city, country, email, in regular font, size 12.
• The title in English is centered, no indent, in bold, capital letters, font size 14
• Below are the abstract and the keywords, size 12.
• Below is the body of the essay, justified alignment, no hyphens.
• The copyright is placed at the bottom of the first page: Ivanov I.I., 2016
5.Enumerated REFERENCES are listed in the end of the essay in the alphabet order in accordance with GOST 7.0.5.-2008. The surname and the initials are written separately. The references in the body of the essay should look as follows: [1], [2, с. 5], [3, с. 34; 5, с. 2], [7, стб. 23], [10, л. 6].
6.After the List of References in Russian comes the following information in English:
• For transliteration, use a special program.
• Open the program http://translit.net/ and choose a variant of the system of the Library of Congress (LC).
• Insert in a special field the list of references in Russian and press on “translit.”
• Copy the transliterated text in the draft of References
• Edit the transliteration and add translation in English:
• Translate the title of the book, the article, the source etc. and insert it in square brackets after the corresponding titles;
• change // to the period;
• change / to the comma;
• translate the place of publication in English (for example, M. Should become Moscow after the editing)
• change the colon after the place of publication to the comma
• add Publ. after transliterating the title of the edition
• correct page designations: 235 p. instead of 235 s., pp. 45–47 instead of S. 45–47;
• italicize the name of the source
• all the words except for articles and prepositions in the title of the article or the book cited should begin with capital letters
7.Commentaries come in the form of automatic footnotes. The number of the footnote is placed in the end of the sentence followed by the period. The font is Times New Roman, the font size is 12.
8.Shortenings. At the first mention of a person, their name and patronymic name should be mentioned with the first letters in capital letters with the period (ex.: N. P.). Years comes in numbers (ex.: 1930s, but not «the thirties»). The words “century” and “centuries” are shortened to c. and cc. correspondingly.
9.The archive materials should be followed by an introductory article that should meet the abovementioned requirements.
Samples of references and transliterations
1.Адрианова-Перетц В. П. Очерки поэтического стиля Древней Руси. М.; Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1947. 185 с.
2.Ларионова М. Ч. Архетипическая парадигма: миф, сказка, обряд в русской литературе XIX века: автореф. дис. … д-ра филол. наук. Волгоград, 2006. 44 с.
3.Некрасов И. С. Пахомий Серб, писатель XV века. Одесса: Тип. Ульриха и Шульце, 1871. 102 с.
4.Никольский С. А. Мировоззрение русского земледельца в романной прозе И. С. Тургенева // Вопросы философии. 2008. № 5. С. 83–99.
5.Рыбальченко Н. Как рассеялся мираж // Вечерняя Москва. 1974. 23 октября.
5.Рыбальченко Н. Как рассеялся мираж // Вечерняя Москва. 1974. 23 октября.
1.Adrianova-Peretts V. P. Ocherki poeticheskogo stilia Drevnei Rusi [Essays poetic style of ancient Russia]. Moscow, Leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR Publ., 1947. 185 p.
2.Larionova M. Ch. Arkhetipicheskaia paradigma: mif, skazka, obriad v russkoi literature XIX veka: avtoref. dis. … d-ra filol. nauk [The archetypal paradigm: a myth, fairy tale ceremony at the Russian literature of the XIX century: Author. Dis. ... Dr. Philology sciences]. Volgograd, 2006. 44 p.
3.Nekrasov I. S. Pakhomii Serb, pisatel' XV veka [Pachomius the Serb writer of the XV century]. Odessa, Tip. Ul'rikha i Shul'tse Publ., 1871. 102 p.
4.Nikol'skii S. A. Mirovozzrenie russkogo zemledel'tsa v romannoi proze I. S. Turgeneva [World Russian farmer in novelistic prose I. S. Turgenev]. Voprosy filosofii [Problems of philosophy], 2008, no 5, pp. 83–99.
5.Rybal'chenko N. Kak rasseialsia mirazh [Like a mirage dissipated]. Vecherniaia Moskva [Evening Moscow], 1974, October 23.
Electronic sources:
Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B. P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? Aninvestigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1999, vol. 5, no 2. Available at: http://www. ascusc.org/ jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (Accessed 28 April 2011).
Articles with DOI:
Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2008, vol. 44, no 8, pp. 926-930. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077
Unpublished manuscripts:
Pressure generator GD-2M. Technical description and user manual. Zagorsk, Res. Inst. of Appl. Chem. Publ., 1975. 15 p. (In Russian, unpublished.)
In accordance with part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (section VII “The Rights to the Results of Intellectual Activity and Means of Individualization”) all the submissions should be accompanied by the license agreement that grants the permission to the Founder for non-exclusive rights to publish the essay. The text of the agreement will be circulated later.