





Mikhail Yu. Ljustrov

Information about the author(s)

Mikhail Y. Ljustrov, DSc in Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: mlustrov@mail.ru


October 28, 2016


December 25, 2016




Russian literature




DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2016-1-3-4-193-204


УДК 81’255.2+ 82.091


ББК 83.3(2Рос=Рус)+83.3(3)


The essay examines the problem of the fragmentary perception of European literature in the 18 th Century Russia. The author compares the body of 17 th Century French poetical works translated into Russian and Swedish languages and published in the Russian and Swedish editions in the middle of the 18 th Century. Regardless of many predicted coincidences, Russian and Swedish lists are not identical. Some 17 th Century French poets unknown in Russia were, however, extremely popular in the 18 th Century Sweden. The essay focuses on the work of E. Pavillon, a member of the French Academy and of the General R. de Bussy-Rabutin. The “Våra fӧrsӧk” edition released in Sweden in the 1750s, included numerous translations of the poems by these two authors as well as discussions about the specificity of their poetic gifts. Pavillon’s works are in the center of discussion by Swedish authors. In G. F. Gyllenborg’s “Satire öfver Sprätthökar,” E. Pavillon is compared with J.-B. Rousseau, in H. Ch. Nordenflycht’s “De svenska poeter” he is identified with a famous Swedish poet J. Frese. Swedish poems mentioning R. de Bussy are absent in the edition of “Våra fӧrsӧk”, however the French poet was familiar to Swedish authors, and the interest in his works drew on his role in the 17 th Century Franko-Swedish history. Swedish and French participation in the Thirty Years War and a visit of Christine, Queen of Sweden, to Paris were well known to Swedish authors. The paper argues that the lack of interest in the work of these authors in Russia is conspicuous if compared with their Swedish perception. This may be explained by cultural and historical circumstances and also by the lack of demand for some of the “species” of the 17 th Century French poetry in the Russian poetry of the 18 th Century.


Russian poetry of the 18 th Century, French poetry of the 17 th Century, Swedish poetry of the 18 th Century, E. Pavillon, R. de Bussy-Rabutin, H. Ch. Nordenflycht.

Works cited

1 Inostrannaia literatura v russkikh zhurnalakh XVIII veka (Bibliograficheskii obzor). Russko-evropeiskie literaturnye sviazi. XVIII. Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’. Stat’i. [Foreign literature in Russian magazines of the 18 th Century (biobliographical survey). Encyclopediac dictionary. Articles]. St. Petersburg, Fakul’tet filologii i iskusstv SPbGU Publ., 2008. 432 p. (In Russ.) 2 Novikov N. I. Opyt istoricheskogo slovaria o rossiiskikh pisateliakh [Historical dictionary of Russian authors]. St. Petersburg, [Printing house of Academy of Sciences] 1772. 264 p. (In Russ.) 3 [Domashnev S. G.] O stikhotvorstve. Poleznoe uveselenie [Useful entertainment]. [Moscow], 1762, June, pp. 227–240. (In Russ.) 4 Fant E. M. Tal i Anledning af Hans Kongl. Höghet Kron-Prinsens Gustaf Adolfs födelse. Uppsala, 1778. 11 p. Studia Litterarum. Том 1, № 3–4 Русская литература 204 5 Les Mémoires de Messire Roger de Rabutin, Сomte de Bussy. Lieutenant Général des Armées du Roy, et Mestre de Camp Général de la Cavalerie Lègère. Paris, 1697. Vol. 1. 489 p. 6 Oeuvres de. Madame et Mademoiselle Deshoulières. Paris, 1747. Vol. 1. 306 p. 7 Oeuvres de. Mr. Pavillon de l`Académie françoise. Paris, 1715. 229 p. 8 Poésies de Madame la Comtesse De La Suze. Paris, 1666. 124 p. 9 Underdånigt tal på Hans kongl. majestäts Konung Gustaf III:s Höga födelsedag. Stockholm, 1779. 12 s. 10 Våra försök. Stockholm, 1754. V. II. 191 s. 11 Våra försök. Stockholm, 1756. V. III. 176 s. 12 Öfver Freden emellan Sverigе och Russland. Tal hållit offenteligen på Uplands Nations vägnar 29 oct. 1790 af Anders Gustaf Ekeberg. Uppsala, 1791. 29 s.

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